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8 hour booking from Burgess Hill

Next add wedding date and complete our booking form.

8 hr
Price as per quote

Service Description

Please enter as much detail as you can with regard to addresses, venues and any additional requirements you have. Thank you for choosing Brooklands Wedding Cars Sussex.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

If you cancel your booking more than 30 days before the wedding date, assuming full payment has been made, a refund will be granted minus the deposit. If you cancel your booking within 30 days of the wedding date and full payment has been received then we will only offer a refund only if the vehicle is subsequently re-booked, minus the deposit. If full payment has not been made within 30 days of the wedding date the vehicle will be available for re-booking and you will lose your deposit. £100 deposit per vehicle. Please also note that your booking period includes travelling time back to our base in Burgess Hill. Any time over this will be charged at £20 per 30 minutes. Please ensure you get those all important photographs with the vehicles done before they are due to leave....and tell the photographer!

Contact Details

07943 572652

38 Poveys Close, Burgess Hill, UK

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